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Domestic Relations

A Fair Fight for Family Matters

Domestic Relations encompasses legal matters that concern marriages, civil unions, and children. Whether you need to get married, get unmarried, or file for child support Bell Advocate can help you fight for the future of your family with dignity.

Domestic Relations: Practices



Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Average $700 - $1500 plus court costs

Prepared not Pessimistic: Creating a life with someone else is a serious step and it should include a plan for the future of you and your spouse no matter what the future holds.

Distanced Couple

Dissolution of Marriage

Average $1400 - $6300 plus court costs

Divorce, Annulment, Separation:

The decision to divorce is already difficult; let Bell Advocate handle the details surrounding the division of property, and alimony awards. Bell Advocate fights fairly for our clients, but declines to engage in the pettiness that often accompanies these proceeding instead believing that once loving relationships can be dissolved with dignity.

Drawing Time

Distribution of Parental Responsibilities

Average $2100 - $3500 plus court costs

Custody, Visitation, Child Support, Establishment of Parentage: The best interests of your child are a priority. Bell Advocate represents mothers, fathers, and other guardians in petitions of parenting time, child support, establishments of paternity, and visitation by non-parents.

Don't hesitate in taking the first step to do what's best for your family. Contact Bell Advocate today.

Domestic Relations: Services

Contact Us

Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, we urge that you avoid sharing any confidential information.


We endeavor to return all communications within 72 hours. 


Regular Hours
M, T, TH: 9AM-7PM
W, F: 9AM-5PM
Sun: 2pm-7pm By Appointment Only


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Domestic Relations: Contact
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